The `Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha,' (HDAS) an apex body comprising all `acharyas' and `mandaleswars,' was formed in 2003 when it met for the first time in Chennai on December 1 of that year, with the objective of having a coordinated effort on issues concerning Hindus with Swami Dayananda Saraswati, as the convener of the Acharya Sabha.
The traditions represented by the Acharya Sabha are: Advaita , Dvaita , Kabir Panth , Lingayat , Nimbarka , Saivadheenam , Sena Sampradaya, Suddhadvaita Pushtimarga Vaishnava, Swaminarayan , Vaishnava , Vallabhacharya and Varkari.
High representatives of the HDAS, led by its president Swami Dayananda Saraswati , met twice with senior representatives of Judaism , led by Yona Metzger Chief Rabbi of Israel , a first time in Delhi on 5 and 6 February 2007 and a second time in Jerusalem from 17 to 20 February 2008.
The 6th convention of Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha, was held from 19th thru 21st February 2016,at Shri Kshetra Tapobhoomi Goa. Param Pujya Swamiji's Sankalpa and Blessings were evident.It was a fruitfull outcome of the tireless efforts with devotion to Pujya Swamiji and Dharma,done by Pujya Swami Parmatmananda Saraswatiji.
All Acharyas were given traditional welcome with Ved Mantras and Mangal vadyam,at the entrance.The 6th meet was inaugurated by H.H.Swami Brahmeshanandaji( Acharya,Sri Kshetra Tapobhumi),H.H. Baba Ramadevji and Rev. Sri. Dr. Pranav Pandya.
At the outset, Pujya Swami Paramatmanandaji with choked voice,remembered Pujya Swamiji.Many Acharyas paid very emotional tribute to Pujya Swamiji with deep appreciation about Pujya Swamiji's Wisdom, Vision and Work.Arsha Sanyasis, Swami Sri Sadatmanandaji,Swami Sarvabhootatmanandaji,Swami Chidrupanandaji, Swamini Sadvidyananda Saraswatiji, Swamini Gurupriyananda Saraswatiji. etc Swamiji's/ Swaminijis also paid rich tribute to Pujya Swamiji. The Sabha Unanimously passed first resolution offering their tributes to Pujya Swamiji.